Im having trouble with my printer, when I try to print, it wont do nothing and when Im trying to get into the properties it brigns up error: Adress of function 0x50110a46 etc.. When I tried to plug printer in Notebook, that have also instaled all drivers, it prints normaly. Also I've tried to uninstal all of the hp products from PC, and deleted all folders that left. Then I downloaded lastest drivers and instaled them, error keps poping up and it still wont print. Then I donwloaded some HP diagnostic stuff, it tried to print test page, nothing happened, then it wanted to print internal test page, which printed slowly, but atleast it printed, then program asked me if internal print went well, I cliced yes. Program then suggested that I should reinstal drvers... I did so again, but still no improvement had happened. So I want to ask if anyone else has experienced that type of error.