I am using Windows 7 64bit op sys.
My Officejet 6600E (which is 1.5 mo out of warrenty) suddenly gave me the error message "Printer Failure - There is a problem with the printer or ink system."
I had used it just moments before to print 3 different pages and it worked just fine.
I've tried the "suggestions" of turning it on and off; unplugging everything then turning it back on; remvoing the ink cart. and replacing; etc. several times without success.
When I took out all of the ink cartridges and got the message that they were missing. I then placed one cartridge in and got the message that told me which inks were missing. I hit o.k. and the main screen popped up. I then placed a second cartridge in. At that point I got the error message - "Printer Failure" again.
Is there any thing out there that acutally works to fix this?
I find it interesting that other people have posted this same error message all a couple months out of warrenty. Is this a bug from HP to get more $'s from you? I'm more than a bit disgusted, we had our old HP all in one for 9 years w/o problems. This one is just 13 months old and broke.