Just purchased an HP 8600 All-In-One - everything appears to be set up properly. All computers in the house are wirelessly accessing the printer. I am running Mac OS X10.7 on my main computer.
Problem is that when I attempt to print from a program like Word, PPT, or the web the system shows the job in the printer queue - gets the job to 100% - and then disappears - all without anything coming out of the printer.
I've attempted from the computer to print a configuration page wirelessly and this works which suggests the wireless connection is fine.
It was reported by another member of my family that one of their jobs they submitted to the printer printed - but about 3-4 days later (as if it was stuck in the queue and moved through very very slowly.
Any thoughts on this? There appears to be no sign of connection failure or abnormality. I've done full resets for the router (Airport Extreme), the printer, and ensured all software and firmwares are up to date. I've followed all of the basic steps suggested by HP.
Thanks for any suggestions.
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