I have a Photosmart 5510 that I brought some time ago and have mainly used for printing text documents using only black ink but with the view of using to print photos in the future.
I have printed a few small sized photos in the past successfully.
However I am now experiencing major problems trying to get A4 prints from this printer on photo paper.
The printer works fine with A4 plain paper, feeds and correctly prints a test page.
However as soon as I load A4 photo paper (250gsm) it either does not feed or feeds too slowly the top half of the photo is cut off, the same occurs when trying to print a test page.
Having looked this problem up in the internet I followed the HP guide to reset printer, clean rollers etc and I am still experiencing the same problem. After some further searches it appears I am not the only one experiencing this issue with photo paper failing to feed.
Therefore I now have a photo printer that does not print photos!
Is there a solution for this?